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تم إنشاؤه للقطط الأصغر التي يصل وزنها إلى 2 kilograms ، 4.4 رطل.   أثناء العلاج ، سيزداد وزن قطتك باستمرار حيث تستعيد شهيتها وكتلة عضلاتها. قم بوزن قطتك أسبوعيًا واضبط الجرعة وفقًا لذلك. استخدم حاسبة الجرعة لحساب الجرعة المناسبة لقطتك.


سترى clear improvements upon finishing this_ccb1958. تشمل التحسينات زيادة الشهية وزيادة الأنشطة البدنية وتقليل الحمى وزيادة تواتر الاستمالة الذاتية.


شاهد الفيديو التعليمي الخاص بنا حول كيفية إجراء حقن العلاج FIP.

GS-441524 【15 مجم / مل ، 8 مل】

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on ١٥ reviews
وحدة SKU: SP15MG8ML
  • الصيغة الكيميائية:    C12 H13 N5 O4  

    التركيز:   15mg / ml

    الحجم:   7ml لكل قارورة

    الكمية:    1 vial

    نقاء:   99.4٪  

    الرقم الهيدروجيني:   1.9 ~ 2.2

    الصيغة:    5٪ إيثانول ، 30٪ بروبيلين جليكول ، 45٪ PEG 400 ، 20٪ ماء.

    مدة الصلاحية:    1 عام عند تخزينها في درجات الحرارة المحيطة.


تم التقييم بـ 5 من أصل 5 نجوم.
5.0 - ١٥ من المراجعات
١٥ من المراجعات

  • Fatimah ١٧ فبراير
    تم التقييم بـ 5 من أصل 5 نجوم.
    My Experience with My Cat’s FIP Treatment

    In January, my cat started showing alarming symptoms—lethargy, loss of appetite, and an unusual bloated appearance despite weighing only 800 grams. As days passed, her condition worsened; she struggled to move, her breathing became labored, and her fever kept rising.

    Concerned, I took her to the vet, where an ultrasound revealed a shocking sight—fluid buildup in her chest. The diagnosis was devastating: Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a disease with a historically low survival rate. I was heartbroken, knowing how grim the prognosis usually is.

    However, my vet reassured me that there was hope. He told me about a promising treatment that had successfully cured over five FIP cases in their clinic. Without hesitation, I ordered the medication, and it arrived in less than a week.

    The transformation was incredible. Within the first two weeks of treatment, her fever disappeared, and she started eating again. Gradually, the fluids in her abdomen began to clear, and her strength returned. Now, over 40 days into the injections, my cat is full of energy, playful, and completely back to her normal self.

    I can’t express how grateful I am for FIP Cure—this treatment truly saved the life of the most precious soul in my heart. ❤️

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  • موزه المحيربي١١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤
    تم التقييم بـ 5 من أصل 5 نجوم.
    wet Virus PIF

    First time using the medicine for my cat angel

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  • Agata٠٤ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٤
    تم التقييم بـ 5 من أصل 5 نجوم.
    My baby saved

    My 3 month old kitten was diagnosed with wet fip. She had a large belly and she was constantly sleeping. After the first injection with this medication, my little girl started to walk a little and became more active every day. It really is a miracle, I am so grateful that you are saving the lives of our babies!

    This video is only day four of treatment and she has started licking herself and sleeping less🙏🏻

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