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Love for Simba

Eve Begerem


2 Jun 2022

Pár slov z fundraiseru

The first thing you should know is that Simba is the most loving soul you could ever meet.

In September of 2021 he got sick for the first time, diagnosed with NEURO FIP.

At that time he was only 5 months old.

We did a full treatment and by the end of 2021 he was cured.

Unfortunatly in the beginning of 2022 he got sick again.

He was no longer able to walk or eat on his own by the time the doctors realised it was a relapse.

So we started treatment again with double dosis. It's been a few months now but he is again able walk and play with his brother Olaf. Simba loves life even tho he is not able to do everything other cats can do.

Because of the severity of his condition we are to this day still in treatment with no clear end date.

Taking care of him has already taken a big toll on our family but we love him with all our hearts and want to give him te carefree life he deserves. We want to see him grow old & grey and have so much more adventures with his brother!

Everyday with him is a blessing we are eternaly greatfull for.



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