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CURE FIP™ Affiliate Program

Setkali jsme se s bezpočtem potěšujících příběhů; příběhy lidí, kteří dávají maximum, aby zachránili své kočky, kočky sousedů a přátel, opuštěné kočky a dokonce i toulavé kočky. Jejich činy vypovídají o naší schopnosti milovat a pečovat. Pro všechny tyto lidi a pro ty, které ještě nepotkáme, jsme vytvořili CURE FIP™ DONATE .

CURE FIP™ DONATE poskytne majitelům koček, kteří potřebují finanční pomoc při léčbě FIP, odpovídající hodnotu ve formě léků . Zde je příklad: Zadáte objednávku na 2 lahvičky o koncentraci 20 mg/ml. Při pokladně uvidíte 4 lahvičky po 20 mg/ml.

1. Vytvořte dárcovskou kampaň

20% Commission for promoting a trusted brand since 2019.

  • Audience Growth by covering a niche but highly audience sticky topic.

  • Ready made media assets for your content creation.

KPIs - How Do We Measure Success?

  • Sales via your referral link.

3. Při odhlášení poskytujeme odpovídající dar

Vaši žádost schválíme a zamítneme do 48 hodin a poskytneme vám kód kupónu . Použijte kód kupónu na stránce pokladny a získejte odpovídající položky zdarma.

*Balíčky nebo jiné propagační předměty nelze použít pro objednávky zakoupené v rámci programu dárcovství*

2. Sdílejte s námi informace o své kampani

Sign up here: Affiliate Application Form. We’ll contact you via email.

Terms & Conditions

  • Follow branding guidelines and promote positively.

  • Misleading or aggressive marketing tactics are not allowed.

Here’s a list of topic that you can choose to create:

1. “What is FIP? Explained in 60 Seconds”

  • Focus: Briefly explain what FIP is, its causes, and the impact it has on cats.

  • Why: Simple, informative, and grabs attention quickly.

2. “Top 5 Symptoms of FIP Every Cat Owner Should Know”

  • Focus: Outline the most common signs of FIP, such as fever, weight loss, and lethargy.

  • Why: Raises awareness and helps cat owners recognize symptoms early.

3. “How to Care for a Cat Diagnosed with FIP”

  • Focus: Provide practical tips for managing a cat’s health during treatment, including feeding, monitoring symptoms, and vet visits.

  • Why: Offers valuable guidance for pet owners dealing with FIP.

4. “FIP Treatment Success Story: How My Cat Beat FIP”

  • Focus: Share a personal story of a cat that recovered using CURE FIP™ treatments.

  • Why: Inspires hope and highlights the effectiveness of treatment.

5. “Understanding Wet vs. Dry FIP: What’s the Difference?”

  • Focus: Explain the differences between wet and dry FIP, and how to identify them.

  • Why: Educates viewers on the types of FIP and the importance of early diagnosis.

6. “Step-by-Step Guide to Administering FIP Medication”

  • Focus: Demonstrate how to properly give FIP treatment (oral or injection) to a cat, ensuring the process is stress-free.

  • Why: Provides practical, hands-on help for pet owners treating their cats at home.

7. “Typical FIP Treatment Regiment Includes

  • Focus: a 84 day treatment with a combination of daily injections during the first 2-4 weeks and oral pills for the remaining days for severe cases, or 84 days of daily 1 oral pill for mild cases.  Avoid start and stop type of treatment when cats start to show signs of recovery. Because there are still viruses in cat’s system. In the absence of the medicine, viruses will multiply again.

  • Why: Greatly reduce the chance of relapse, ensure complete recovery, especially in multi-liter households.

8. “Myths and Facts About FIP”

  • Focus: Debunk common misconceptions about FIP and provide the facts, especially about treatment options like GS-441524.

  • Why: Clarifies misinformation and positions your brand as a trusted resource.

Find out more or need to obtain this medicine quickly, contact

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