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life saving love for hurrem and kaito



12 Oct 2022

Quelques mots de la collecte de fonds

My name is Hurrem and i used to be a chubby, beautiful cat, eating all my food and all the delicacies that my mom used to buy for me and my brothers and sisters. Kaito is my cousin, and even though there is no resemblance, we share the same sad stary: we were both diagnosed with dry FIP more than seven months ago. Then I stopped eating and started losing weight without our vet being able to identify the exact organ that was infected by FIP whereas my cousin, Kaito, was "hit" by FIP in his heart and started having neurological problems and seizures.... Both my mom and her sister fought hard and have been treating us both all this time, but possibly with the wrong medicine as it appears, for each time we stop our treatments, even for a day, our symptoms relapse and condition regress.... Please help us fight once and for all our illness!! We fought so strongly to stay alive and to be with our families. Give us one more chance. Please help our moms; they are left without hope! Our moms and us will send you all of our gratitude and love forever.

Yours sincerely,

Hurrem and Kaito

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raised out of €1,800

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