I was greeted with a telenovelas style email from one of our customers which I will share with you below. It relates directly our article 'The sad truth about FIP Fighters and FIP Warriors Admins'.
FIP Warriors has long been the most popular and the largest FIP cat owners self-help organisation on Facebook. They have helped (by our estimate) tens of thousands of cat owners obtain various brands of GS-441524 for the treatment of Feline Infectious Peritonitis. FIP Warriors act as a bridge between cat owners around the world and GS-441524 suppliers in China. Today FIP Warriors groups can be found in North and South Americas, Europe and Asia.
As their organisation grew, for some of the admins, the organisational mission seems to have shifted from helping cat owners obtaining GS-441524 to pushing certain brands of GS-441524 for financial gains. They have employed very unsavoury practices to steer stressed and uninformed cat owners away from brands they do not have working agreements with, often to the detriments of cat owners. We personally have been the victim of some of these practices. They included:
Selling untested, poor quality GS-441524 to cat owners.
Claiming they have test reports when they don't.
Claiming they have no financial gains when they do.
Demanding fees from GS manufacturers to represent their products to cat owners.
Using scare-tactics to dissuade cat owners from buying brands they don't represent.
Delete positive comments and supplier information about brands they don't represent from the group.
Making unsubstantiated claims to discredit brands they don't represent such as claiming that the concentration is not true, the quality is not good, the offer is a scam, and going as far as claiming that competitor's GS have higher relapse rate than brands they recommend.
These Admins' unsubstantiated claims have made us more transparent with our clients. We publish internal test reports to show that we are indeed offering the highest purity of GS-441524, with concentration and volume that is equal or higher than stated in our website.
But this post is not about us or our disappointment with the behaviours of FIP Warriors admins. Below we share the email from our customer to you as further evidences of what we revealed in the previous article 'Calling out FIP Fighters Sellers and Admins'.
This is a recent public mud-smearing exchange between Mutian (a brand represented by FIP Warriors) and the Founder of FIP Warriors.

Oh...but she is not finished. Offering more evidence to this very public denouncement, Mutian owners showed us screenshots of their private business discussions.

We will let you make your own conclusions about FIP Warriors group and their Admins. While they conduct their public telenovelas style mudslinging, we will continue to focus on our mission, provide the best GS-441524 treatment for cat owners around the world.
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Published by: Curefip.com
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