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Writer's pictureAsyikin Syikin

Why Is My Cat Not Eating?

Cat with bloated tummy
My cat is not eating!

Cat owners often worry when their cat suddenly refuses to eat. This can be an early sign of a health issue or external factors making the cat uncomfortable. In this article, we will explore various reasons why a cat may stop eating, including cases where the cat appears weak, and offer solutions to address this problem.

Main Causes of Cats Not Eating

When a cat refuses food, there is usually an underlying reason. These factors can range from health issues to environmental changes that cause stress.

Internal Health Issues

Cats suffering from serious illnesses often lose their appetite. Chronic conditions like kidney disease, gastrointestinal infections, or diabetes can cause a significant reduction in appetite. Kidney disease, particularly in older cats, is one of the primary causes, leading to nausea due to toxin buildup in the blood.

Stomach issues are also often a factor, causing a cat to refuse food. Symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or weight loss usually accompany the loss of appetite and require immediate medical attention. It's advisable to have your cat checked if these symptoms appear.

Stress and Environmental Changes in Cats

Stress is often a reason why cats stop eating. Cats are highly sensitive to environmental changes, such as moving to a new home, the presence of new pets, or a change in routine. When cats feel threatened or uncomfortable, they often respond by refusing food. Creating a safe and stable environment is key to restoring their appetite.

Additionally, stress can come from negative social interactions, either with humans or other pets. If your cat is facing significant changes, give them space and time to adapt slowly.

Inappropriate Food

Some cats are very picky about their food. Sudden changes in brand or type of food can cause a cat to refuse to eat. Unfavorable food, in terms of taste or texture, can make the cat uninterested. Some cats may also have allergies to certain ingredients in their food, which can make them feel uncomfortable after eating.

To avoid this, introduce new food gradually. Mix the new food with the old one slowly to help the cat adapt without causing stress or digestive issues.

Mouth or Dental Issues

Dental or oral problems like gum inflammation, broken teeth, or mouth sores often cause pain when the cat eats. As a result, they will refuse food even though they are hungry. If your cat shows signs like sudden drooling, avoiding hard food, or difficulty chewing, have their mouth checked by a vet to rule out any serious issues that may require treatment.

Impact of the FIP Virus

FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) is a virus that attacks the immune system of cats. This disease is caused by a mutation of the feline coronavirus that infects vital organs like the lungs and intestines, leading to inflammation and systemic disorders. FIP weakens the immune system, making it difficult for the cat's body to fight secondary infections. Cats infected with FIP often show symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite, and weakness. As the immune system becomes increasingly compromised, it becomes harder for the cat to combat infections.

Weakness and Loss of Appetite in Cats

A combination of weakness and refusal to eat often indicates a more serious health problem. These symptoms require immediate attention, as they could signal life-threatening conditions.

Physical Causes of Weakness in Cats

Some common physical causes of weakness and loss of appetite in cats include dehydration, anemia, FIP, or chronic diseases like kidney failure or liver disorders. Cats experiencing dehydration often lose their appetite because their bodies lack the necessary fluids for normal organ function. Symptoms like sunken eyes and dry gums are signs of dehydration.

Anemia in cats, caused by a decrease in red blood cells, is often due to parasitic infections, chronic illnesses, or bone marrow disorders. Anemia causes cats to become weak and reluctant to move, leading them to refuse food.

If your cat appears weak and refuses to eat for more than 24 hours, take them to a vet immediately to identify the cause and prevent the condition from worsening.

Psychological Factors of Weakness in Cats

Severe stress or emotional trauma can also cause a cat to become weak and refuse food. Cats experiencing psychological disorders such as anxiety or extreme fear may appear more withdrawn and prefer to hide. If your cat is stressed or traumatized, it's important to provide them with a safe and quiet space to recover.

The Impact of FIP on Weakness and Loss of Appetite

One of the most serious causes of weakness and loss of appetite in cats is an FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) infection. FIP, caused by a mutation of the feline coronavirus, leads to inflammation in various organs. Common FIP symptoms include drastic weight loss, loss of appetite, prolonged fever, and lethargy. This disease often affects young cats or those living in environments with many animals.

FIP is a serious illness that can be fatal if not treated promptly. If you suspect your cat has FIP, take them to a vet for diagnosis and further treatment.

Weakness and Loss of Appetite in Cats: Connection with FIP

When a cat is infected with FIP, their body fights against inflammation occurring in multiple vital organs, causing the cat to appear weak and lose energy. Loss of appetite is one of the earliest symptoms, often accompanied by extreme lethargy. If your cat is showing these symptoms, take them to a vet immediately to confirm the diagnosis and prevent the condition from worsening.

Solutions for Cats That Refuse to Eat

If your cat is refusing to eat, there are several solutions you can try to help them regain their appetite.

Changing Food Types

One of the first solutions you can try is offering food with different textures or flavors. Soft wet food is often easier for sick or stressed cats to eat. Food with a strong aroma can also attract a cat that has lost its appetite. Choose high-quality, nutrient-rich food to ensure your cat still receives the necessary nutrients.

Regular Health Check-ups

If your cat refuses to eat for more than 24 hours or shows other signs of illness, take them to the vet immediately. Regular health check-ups are important for detecting health problems early and preventing conditions from worsening. Some diseases can be hard to detect without thorough medical examination, so don't hesitate to seek help.

Reducing Stress in Cats

Reducing stress is crucial for restoring a cat’s appetite. Create a calm and comfortable environment for your cat. Ensure they have a safe place to rest, and avoid major changes that could cause disruption. Give your cat time to adjust to new changes, such as the presence of other pets or a new home.

Solutions for Cats with FIP

If your cat is diagnosed with FIP, while there is no fully effective cure for this disease, there are steps that can be taken to improve their quality of life. Experimental drugs like GS-441524 have shown promising results in some FIP cases. Consult your vet about available treatment options.

Providing Omega-3 Fish Oil

Omega-3 fish oil has many benefits for a cat’s health, such as supporting skin, coat, heart, and joint health. Moreover, fish oil can stimulate a cat’s appetite because it contains omega-3 fatty acids that affect the central nervous system responsible for regulating appetite. You can mix fish oil into your cat’s food to help increase their appetite.

Is your beloved cat showing symptoms of FIP? Don’t wait, take them to the nearest vet for a check-up and proper treatment. You can also consult CURE FIP™ for free regarding the FIP virus in cats and how to treat it by contacting them via WhatsApp or visiting CURE FIP™ on Instagram for assistance from our team. For more detailed information on FIP, you can read the complete guide on handling FIP in cats by clicking here.


Why is my cat suddenly not eating?  

Cats can lose their appetite due to various reasons, including stress, environmental changes, dental issues, or serious illnesses like FIP.

What should I do if my cat is weak and not eating?  

If your cat is showing signs of lethargy and refusing to eat for more than 24 hours, take them to the vet for further examination.

How does FIP affect a cat’s appetite?  

FIP causes inflammation in vital organs, which often leads to a loss of appetite and weakness.

How long can a cat survive without eating?  

Cats can survive a few days without eating, but if they go more than 24 hours without food, you should seek veterinary care immediately.

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