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Blank White FIP

Cesate, IT

Salviamo simba

Abbiamo appena scoperto che Simba è affetto da fip ha solo 7 mesi , vivo da

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Blank White FIP

Nicosia, CY

Genna Khudilaynen

Have started his FIP treatment a month ago and he's getting better. W

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Blank White FIP

Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino, IT

Una cura per Tarcisio

Ciao, sono Narciso, per gli amici Tarcisio. La brutta notizia è che mi hann

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Blank White FIP

Aradippou, CY

Save Agatha the cat

Agatha is our family cat, a lovely Cypriot rescue. She appeared in our gard

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Blank White FIP

Esposende, PT

Ajuda no tratamento da pif d

Thor, is a 14 month old Maine Coon who was recently diagnosed with wet FIP.

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Blank White FIP

Hals, DK

Sylvanas fip fight extended

December 2022 our lovely girl Sylvanas got diagnosed with dry FIP. She is a

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Blank White FIP

Mörrum, SE

Help boranji and his sibling

Boranji is a boy who was rescued along with his mom and siblings at the dum

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Blank White FIP

Peristeri, GR

Save electra

Please help me save Electra, i found her on the road with toxoplasmosis, sh

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Blank White FIP

Larnaca, CY


Before 5 days another one of my cats appeared to have fip so we need help a

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Blank White FIP

Pitești, RO

Peritonita infecțioasă acuta

Pisicuța mea are mare nevoie de ajutorul vostru. Deja a slăbit foarte mult

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Blank White FIP

Bolesławiec, PL

Free luna from fip

Hi. We took luna 3 months ego. We want give her better life. She was 3 mon

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Blank White FIP

Bolimów, PL

Walczyć czy się poddać

Jeżynka 5 miesięczna koteczka, która zachorowała kilka dni po adopcji.Takie

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Blank White FIP

Warszawa, PL

Cure Sirius

Dear Reader, Sirius was adopted a year ago straight from Azkaban. This 4 ye

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Blank White FIP

Kraków, PL

Szansa na życie dla racucha

Racuch jeszcze do niedawna był pełnym życia kotkiem. Rozkochuje w sobie wsz

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Blank White FIP

Peristeri, GR

Θεοδώρα Μοσχογιαννη - Dora's

Two weeks ago one of my rescues appeared cloudy vision in one eye. Ofthalmo

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Blank White FIP

Madrid, ES

Simba tiene pif necesitamos

Simba es un gatito que llego con su mami de Tordesillas donde corrian pelig

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Blank White FIP

Larnaca, CY

Fight fip

Dear friendsLast week my cat Mina has been diagnosed with FIP wet version.

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Blank White FIP

Olsztyn, PL

let's save Spycia

Spycio is a 7 month old cat. Found and rescued from the street. Now he is

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Blank White FIP

Warszawa, PL

Zdrowie dla małego Brutala

Mam na imię Brutal, jestem ośmio miesięcznym kotem. Moja przygoda rozpoczęł

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Blank White FIP

Nicosia, CY

Save Runo from fip

Runo is dying - he needs your help.Runo is one of many neglected Cyprus str

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