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Ideal pentru pisicile mai mari care cântăresc mai mult de 4 kg sau 9 kg și / sau prezintă simptome neurologice. Fiecare flacon oferă tratament între 4 și 8 zile, în funcție de greutatea pisicii dvs. și de severitatea simptomelor acesteia. Ar trebui să vedeți îmbunătățiri clare după ce utilizați primul flacon. Îmbunătățirile includ creșterea poftei de mâncare, creșterea activităților fizice, reducerea febrei, frecvența crescută a îngrijirii personale.

În timpul tratamentului, greutatea pisicii dvs. va crește pe măsură ce el / ea își recapătă pofta de mâncare și masa musculară. Cântărește-ți pisica săptămânal și ajustează doza în funcție de noile greutăți. Utilizați calculatorul nostru de dozare   pentru a calcula doza adecvată pentru pisica ta.

Concentrație de 20 mg / ml, flacon de 8 ml

Rating is 4.8 out of five stars based on 54 reviews
  • Formula chimica:   C12H13N5O4  
    Concentraţie:  20 mg/ml
    Volum:  8 ml  pe flacon
    Cantitate:   1  flacon
    Puritate:  99,4%
    pH:  1,9~2,2

     Formulare:   5% etanol, 30% propilenglicol, 45% PEG 400, 20% apă.

     Termen de valabilitate:   1 an când este păstrat la temperatura ambiantă.


Evaluat(ă) cu 4,8 din 5 stele.
4.8 | 54 recenzii
54 recenzii

  • David Tacum 1 zi
    Evaluat(ă) cu 5 din 5 stele.
    It’s saving my cat

    My cat was very ill and no one knew what was happening. The doctor finally diagnosed Peritonitis and said there is only one treatment that they knew that could work and it was this one. I have been giving the injections for one month and my cat looks like a different cat. Now she runs and play all the time and have a lot of energy. The medicine is working and the doctor said it’s going to live. I couldn’t be more grateful with this people, they saved my pet.

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  • dglogowska05 sept.
    Evaluat(ă) cu 5 din 5 stele.
    I am alive

    Kitten a few days after the first dose of medicine 😊

    I feel much better already 💪

    His appetite came back, he even started playing

    Older cat, lived on the street

    Nobody cared, nobody wanted to help him

    Now he is happy, now he will be healthy 🥰

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  • Erika20 aug.
    Evaluat(ă) cu 5 din 5 stele.
    Life saver!

    Our lovely cat was diagnosed with dry FIP, which quickly developed into the neurological type. It was devastating to watch our cat deteriorating. High fever, no appetite, lethargic, cramps and paralysis of her back legs. Checked Pubmed and found the studies with GS441524 and then your website. I am so grateful for this medication. After the 2nd day, the fever was down and she started to eat again. After day 5 she was almost back to her old self! I couldnt believe it! Injected her for 1 month and are currently on the capsules until day 84! Amazing! Dont hesitate if your cat has been diagnosed with FIP- it really works! Thank you CureFip!

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